Monday, October 03, 2005


"知足长乐", 很多人都常把它挂在嘴边...但,有多少人,真的能做到呢?人,总爱拿自己和身边的人做比较...眼里看到的总是别人拥有比自己好的东西...只会羡慕或嫉妒他人...往往为了自己比别人不足的地方而自怨自哎...最后只会弄到自己活得不开心...一直都活在别人的影子里...这样的人生,有意义吗?!





Blogger DrVanco said...

yeah, i understand how u feel coz experienced b4. the feeling of being always compared wif cousins and frenz. parents...always wants the best of their child, wanting us to live their dreams, pressuring us sometimes seems like forcing us. Society do not help much, just as 'kiasu'.
But, we as independent individuals must start to take charge of our lives, not be a 'puppet' of others. Freakie is right, don't mind too much. we are all born unequal with our own pros and cons. why try to be the perfect person that others wants?
discover where your potentials and interests are and pursue your dreams. Be who you are. There's only one 'you'. Buddha brought us to this world with a purpose. regain self-confidence and accomplish the purpose. you'll find satisfaction and happiness when u do. (pretty long comment i know la, but can't help it)

10:26 AM  
Blogger dolphin said...

freakie : 对啊,对啊!你说得很对...可以知道你是谁吗?嘻嘻...

6:23 AM  
Blogger dolphin said...

genxscorpio : thanks a lot for supporting my blogs n sending such a long n meaningful comment...hehe..ya u r right...we should live for for wat we sould b...right?

6:26 AM  
Blogger dolphin said...

hi hi munkit...welcome to my blog...ur pic very scary ler...kakaka~~~nice to meet u here...:)

6:41 AM  

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