Friday, October 14, 2005


终于...好难熬的这星期都熬过了...这五天,就好比五年那样...回头看看上个周末,就好象是几年前的事了...开心的日子总是过得特别快,沉闷,压力,不开心的日子总是过得特别慢...说得一点也没错!!!五天的上课天,有四个考试,这种日子,有 '快乐' 可言吗?!

考试前,总是懒惰读书,阅读范围缩得越小越好...考试过后,总是后悔,为什么自己之前不努力一点,不多读一点,不背熟一点???已经于事无补了...每次考试后,都会暗自下定决心,下一次的考试一定要拼了!!!但,'下一次' 的考试到来时,之前的教训,之前的决心,都烟消云散了...

"努力"和"成绩",根本就是两回事...一个人的努力,未必看得到成绩; 一个人的成绩,未必有过努力...不是吗?世事本来就是那样不公平...为了安慰自己,让自己好过些,我们只能告诉自己:只要自己已经真正的努力过,只要自己已经尽了全力,结果是怎样,应该也都无悔了...但,我们真的能做到吗?我们真的能不为了不好的成绩,不好的结果,而不开心吗???



Blogger DrVanco said...

(grin)I find your blog very related to my thoughts during exams or those never-ending assessments. I've also experienced those hyper- and hypo- motivation swings. I think it's part of a student's life. And yes, i've also come across those 'lucky' students who brag of study less and yet score even higher. Frustrating, right? Pity those (like us) who study hard and not perform just as well. The worse thing is that those 'geniuses' happen to be your friend and tell you how little they study. When getting results, I admit feeling upset when others are better. Felt like being categorized lower in the intelligence scale. But after a while, I'll just forget about it. Think of results as just simply some alphabets and numbers. Why too worry about it then? Enjoy your holidays! P.S. (sigh)my holiday is still a month away. And remember to comment on my blog too. ;)

7:56 AM  

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